The following changes have been made. These changes will apply to all scheduled tournaments thru the remainder of the season.
1. For single player events - All players must complete the YCAGA registration on our tournament schedule page. for two man events at least one player must be registered via the YCAGA registration page. Any player who is eligible for points in our point system - must be registered via the YCAGA registration page. Players eligible for points are: York county Residents or must be members of a YCAGA Club.
2. No entry payments will be accepted at the registration table, the day of the tournament. All entries must be on line payment thru our tournament registration process. (see tournament schedule page)
3. One or all players are encouraged to entering their scores electronically at each hole, utilizing the golf genius app. Instructions on use will be available by a representative of the YCAGA the morning of the tournament. Score cards are still provided and as of this time are the official score. Score cards must be signed by player and scorer and turned into the official scoring area upon completion of your round.
4. The YCAGA will be following the tournament guidelines as set out by the GAP, with adjustments for YCAGA Tournaments. Our guidelines can be viewed by clicking the following link. These will be updated as the season continues and new guidelines are put out by the State and the GAP.
5. The YCAGA has set the following minimum and maximum tournament participation (applicable to men and women's division separately) 30 minimum (as of registration end date) 120 maximum (as of registration end date).
6. We will still have a skins game. If you plan on entering into the skins, you must have the correct change, to eliminate handling of monies. Skins entry is $10.00 per player in all of our events.
The YCAGA strongly urges everyone to download our guidelines and review. Any questions should be directed to David Bennett (executivedirector@ycaga.org) or Bob Ruby (tournamentdirector@ycaga.org)